Freak out your Friends...
Hello. I hope you enjoyed the workshop.
Here is your complimentary copy of my Magic & Mindreading video.
When you press play and the download symbol will appear on screen.
I've also included 'The golden rules of public speaking' -
the secrets to giving amazing performances and presentations.
Learn Magic & Mindreading!
The Golden Rules of Public Speaking.
Make sure you and your presentation are appropriate for the event.
Dress like you are going "somewhere better later" but make sure it is in keeping with the tone of the event.
Concerning your speech - jokes etc, stick to the old saying "when in doubt​, leave it out​!"
Rehearsing your complete presentation a number of times in front of family and friends​.
Preferably someone more conservative than you​ and if the​re is any humour they dont like, drop it!
Get to the venue early!​
Ask where you will come on stage from and where you will walk off. Walk the route.
Do a sound check, ask for the lights to be put on as they will be when you​'re on stage so you will be accustomed to it and not like the proverbial rabbit in headlights.
Familiarise yourself with the mic and stand - take the mic in and out and adjust the height of the stand.
Speak into the mic so you will know how close to hold it to your face for optimal amplification.
Find out the name of the person who will be in charge of the sound equipment when you are on stage.
Print ​two copies of your notes on index cards​.
Number them​ and tie them together using a hole punch ​and piece of string.
​Don't keep them together. The extra copy is in case you lose one.
​The numbering of the pages is in case you turn over two pages by mistake. It will be immediately obvious.
​The string is so you can hold them in one hand and turn them over easily​ without having to use a lectern.
Remember your eyes are on the window to your soul, so make eye contact and smile at your audience.
Put arrows on your notes throughout the speech to remind you to look up and make regular eye contact throughout your presentation. Take your time - when we are nervous we rush so slowwww down!
Remember the saying-
"The amatuer does something till they can get it right. The professional does it till they can't get it wrong".
So be a pro and sit down and imagine all the things that could go wrong​ during your performance and figure a solution for each problem​ eg. a string might break on your guitar - borrow your friends and leave it to the side of the stage.
​Always tell the audience when something goes wrong. If you don't look bothered the audience will relax.
In fact, it will make them like you more as you appear relaxed and in control.
They will associate with you and ​relate to your situation which is the real secret to making people like you.​
If the sound equipment gives trouble...
If it's a small audience, raise your voice and tell them that the person who looks after the equipment
will ​fix it (you did find out their name when you arrived ​didn't you?) and you'll be back on stage in a minute.
Walk off and chill out till the issue has been resolved.
If it's a large audience, use mime - look at the mic, then look at the audience and shrug your shoulders.
Point at your watch (whether you wear one or not) ​and hold up one finger (not that finger :-) indicating that you will need one minute to solve the problem. Walk off stage and wait for the person responsible to fix the issue.
Most things in life are simple but not easy.
This is particularly true with public speaking so remember -
Get there early.
Familiarise yourself with the stage and sound equipment.
Run through all the things that can go wrong and devise a solution for each of them.
Make eye contact and smile.
If you follow the above advice you will be ahead of 90% of people who walk on stage and you will walk off to the sound of applause.
Wishing you every success!
Jack Wise